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This reference document is a companion to our explanation about the PlanktoScope software as an operating system, particularly its discussion of the operating system's boot sequence and its explanation of the various system services provided with the operating system. Specifically, this document lists information about what happens when the PlanktoScope is powered on.


The PlanktoScope OS's daemons and system services (beyond what is already provided by the default installation of the Raspberry Pi OS) are defined with the following boot sequencing relationships:

Software deployment & execution🔗

In general:

  • dockerd (managed by docker.service) can start before network connectivity has been established; this is not the default behavior for dockerd.

  • All daemons & background processes not described in the rest of this page are sequenced by systemd according to the systemd unit dependency relationships specified by the default systemd service files installed with the APT packages which provide those programs.

The PlanktoScope OS's setup scripts provide some system services which are not managed by Forklift, because they are used to integrate Forklift into the OS in order to bootstrap the system services and config files provided by Forklift:

  • overlay-sysroot.service runs after -.mount and systemd-remount-fs.service.

  • bindro-run-forklift-stages-current.service runs after -mount and systemd-remount-fs.service and before

  • overlay-usr.service runs after overlay-sysroot.service and before

  • overlay-etc.service runs after overlay-sysroot.service and systemd-machine-id-commit.service , and before systemd-sysctl.service and

  • start-overlaid-units.service runs after and

  • bind-.local-share-forklift-stages@home-pi.service runs after -.mount, home.mount, and

  • forklift-apply.service, which uses the forklift tool to start all Docker Compose applications, runs after docker.service has started. Docker Compose applications managed with forklift are sequenced by forklift-apply.service according to the resource dependency relationships declared by the Forklift packages which provide those applications.


For descriptions of the various targets (e.g., referred to below, see systemd's bootup process and systemd's special targets:

  • generate-machine-name.service and generate-hostname-templated.service runs before

  • update-hostname.service runs after generate-hostname-templated.service and systemd-hostnamed.service but before

  • assemble-dnsmasq-config-templated.service runs after generate-machine-name.service and generate-hostname-templated.service but before dnsmasq.service.

  • assemble-hosts-templated.service and assemble-hosts.service run after generate-machine-name.service and generate-hostname-templated.service but before dnsmasq.service and

  • enable-interface-forwarding-between.service runs before

  • enable-interface-forwarding-inbound.service runs before

  • report-mac-addresses.service runs before It is re-run every two minutes by report-mac-addresses.timer.

  • assemble-hostapd-config-templated.service and assemble-hostapd-config.service run after generate-machine-name.service and generate-hostname-templated.service but before hostapd.service.

  • The hostapd daemon is manually started and stopped by autohotspot.service.

  • autohotspot.service runs after forklift-apply.service and enable-interface-forwarding-between.service and enable-interface-forwarding-inbound.service have started (so that the PlanktoScope's web browser-based user interfaces are ready for connections before the PlanktoScope's Wi-Fi hotspot is started) and before network connectivity is considered to have been established. It is re-run every two minutes by autohotspot.timer.

  • planktoscope-mdns-alias@pkscope.service and planktoscopemdns-alias@planktoscope.service run after avahi-daemon.service.

User interface🔗

  • assemble-cockpit-config.service, assemble-cockpit-origins.service, and assemble-cockpit-origins-templated.service update Cockpit's configuration file from drop-in config file fragments in /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf.d, /etc/cockpit/origins.d, and /etc/cockpit/origins-templates.d, respectively. They run after generate-machine-name.service and generate-hostname-templated.service and before cockpit.service.

  • ensure-ssh-host-keys.service regenerates the SSH server's host keys if the keys are missing, and runs before ssh.service.

  • The PlanktoScope Node-RED dashboard (managed by nodered.service) starts after planktoscope-org.update-machine-name.service has started, to ensure that the Node-RED dashboard has the correct machine name. (In the future the PlanktoScope Node-RED dashboard will instead be run as a Docker container and will be managed by forklift.)

PlanktoScope-specific hardware abstraction🔗

  • The PlanktoScope hardware controller (managed by planktoscope-org.device-backend.controller-{adafruithat or planktoscopehat}.service) starts after forklift-apply.service (which manages Mosquito) and nodered.service have started, to ensure that the PlanktoScope hardware controller broadcasts the detected camera model name only after the PlanktoScope Node-RED dashboard is ready to receive that broadcast. (In the future the PlanktoScope hardware controller will instead be run as a Docker container and will be managed by forklift.)