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Planktoscope MQTT API Reference🔗

The MQTT API is the primary programming interface for controlling the PlanktoScope. The API is served by the PlanktoScope's Python backend, and data is sent across the API with the following architecture:

flowchart TD
    API[API Client] -->|Command| Broker[MQTT Broker]
    Broker -->|Command| Backend[Python Backend]
    Backend -->|Status Update| Broker[MQTT Broker]
    Broker -->|Status Update| API

Most messages in the MQTT API are organized according to a request-response pattern in which the API client sends a command as a request to take some action, and then the Python backend sends one or more responses as status updates about how the Python backend's state has changed as a result of the command:

  • API clients send commands to the Python backend (via the MQTT broker), and receive status updates from the Python backend (also via the MQTT broker). The PlanktoScope's Node-RED dashboard is an API client, but other programs are also allowed to act as API clients.
  • The MQTT broker passes commands and status updates between the API client(s) and the Python backend. The MQTT broker runs on the PlanktoScope and accepts connections from API clients on port 1883.
  • The Python backend handles commands, takes actions (e.g. changing the state of hardware actuators), and publishes status updates both in response to commands and in response to changes in internal state. Currently, parts of the Python backend also act as MQTT API clients to other parts of the Python backend.

Every MQTT message in the PlanktoScope's MQTT API is published on a specific topic, which is a slash-delimited path of strings (e.g. actuator/pump). Every MQTT message in the PlanktoScope's MQTT API carries a payload, which is a JSON object serialized as a string:

  • Messages which are commands usually specify the type of command in an action field of the payload object; other fields of the payload object are parameters of the command.
  • Messages which are status updates have a single field in the payload object, status, which is a string containing a status or error message.

In the rest of this reference document, we organize our description of the MQTT API into sections corresponding to distinct functionalities of the Python backend:


The Pump API controls the movement of fluid through the PlanktoScope:

  • MQTT topics for commands: actuator/pump
  • MQTT topics for status updates: status/pump
  • Commands: move, stop

move command🔗

The move command initiates movement of fluid through the PlanktoScope by driving the PlanktoScope pump's stepper motor. For example, this command makes the pump move 10 mL of fluid forwards through the PlanktoScope's fluidic path, at a rate of 1 mL/min:

  "action": "move",
  "direction": "FORWARD",
  "volume": 10,
  "flowrate": 1

The move command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the move command. string move
direction Direction to run the pump. string FORWARD, BACKWARD
volume Total volume of sample to pump before stopping automatically (mL). float 0 < volume
flowrate Speed of pumping (mL/min). float 0 < flowrate ≤ 45 mL/min

move command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/pump topic, in response to the move command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Started The pump has started moving in response to a valid move command.
Error, the message is missing an argument One or more required parameters (direction, volume, flowrate) are missing in the move command.
Error, The flowrate should not be == 0 An invalid value (0) was provided for the flowrate field.
Done The pump has successfully stopped after fully pumping the specified volume of sample.

Note: the MQTT API does not yet completely specify error messages in response to invalid values for the direction, volume, and flowrate parameters.

stop command🔗

The stop command interrupts any ongoing movement of fluid through the PlanktoScope and cuts off power to the PlanktoScope pump's stepper motor:

  "action": "stop"

The stop command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the stop command. string stop

stop command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/pump topic, in response to the stop command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Interrupted The pump has stopped moving in response to a valid stop command, interrupting any ongoing move command.
Sent in response to any Pump stop command, and any Imager stop command.

Non-response status updates🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/pump topic which are not triggered by any command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Ready The backend has become ready to respond to Pump commands.
Dead The backend will no longer respond to Pump commands.


The Focus API controls the movement of the sample stage focusing motors in the PlanktoScope:

  • MQTT topics for commands: actuator/focus
  • MQTT topics for status updates: status/focus
  • Commands: move, stop

move command🔗

The move command initiates movement of the focusing stage by a specified displacement. For example, this command makes the stage move up by 0.26 mm at a speed of 1 mm/s:

  "action": "move",
  "direction": "UP",
  "distance": 0.26,
  "speed": 1

The move command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the move command. string move
direction Direction to move the sample stage. string UP, DOWN
distance Total distance to move the stage before stopping automatically (in mm). float 0 < distance ≤ 45.0
speed Speed of movement (in mm/s).
Defaults to 5.
float 0 < speed ≤ 5.0 (optional)

move command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/focus topic in response to the move command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Started The focusing motors have started moving in response to a valid move command.
Error The move command is missing the distance and/or direction fields.
Done The focusing motors have successfully stopped after moving the specified distance.

stop command🔗

The stop command interrupts any ongoing movement of the focusing stage and cuts off power to the focusing motors:

  "action": "stop"

The stop command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the stop command. string stop

stop command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/focus topic, in response to the stop command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Interrupted The focusing motors have stopped moving in response to a valid stop command, interrupting any ongoing stop command.

Non-response status updates🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/focus topic which are not triggered by any command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Ready The backend has become ready to respond to Focus commands.
Dead The backend will no longer respond to Focus commands.


The Light API controls the state of the LED lighting system in the PlanktoScope:

  • MQTT topics for commands: actuator/light
  • MQTT topics for status updates: status/light
  • Commands: on, off

on command🔗

The on command turns on the sample illumination LED. For example:

  "action": "on",
  "led": "1"

The on command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the on command. string on
led Specifies the LED to turn on.
Defaults to 1.
integer 1 (optional)

on command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/light topic in response to the on command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Led 1: On The LED turned on successfully.
Error with LED number An invalid value was provided for the led field of the command.

off command🔗

The off command turns off the sample illumination LED. For example:

  "action": "off"

The off command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the off command. string off
led Specifies the LED to turn on.
Defaults to 1
integer 1

off command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/light topic in response to the off command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Led 1: Off The LED turned off successfully.
Error with LED number An invalid value was provided for the led field of the command.

Non-response status updates🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/light topic which are not triggered by any command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Ready The backend has become ready to respond to Light commands.
Dead The backend will no longer respond to Light commands.


The Imager API controls image acquisition with the PlanktoScope's hardware, as well as the PlanktoScope's camera:

  • MQTT topics for commands: imager/image
  • MQTT topics for status updates: status/imager
  • Commands: settings, update_config, image, stop

For details on how images are acquired, refer to our technical reference on sample imaging in the PlanktoScope.

Generally, commands should be sent in the following order:

  1. settings command: Configure the camera settings.
  2. update_config command: Update the dataset metadata for the next image acquisition.
  3. image command: Initiate image acquisition.
  4. stop command: Stop any in-progress image acquisition.

settings command🔗

The settings command changes the camera settings. The fields iso, shutter_speed, white_balance_gain and white_balance are optional - if a field is omitted, its setting will not be changed. Here's an example of a command with values specified for all fields:

  "action": "settings",
  "settings": {
    "iso": 100,
    "shutter_speed": 40,
    "white_balance_gain": { "red": 100, "blue": 100 },
    "white_balance": "auto",

The settings command has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the settings command. string settings
iso Simulated ISO image sensitivity. int 0 < iso ≤ 650 (higher values may be accepted for certain cameras) (optional)
shutter_speed Exposure time (in μs). int 125 ≤ shutter_speed (optional) White balance red gain. float 0.0 ≤ ≤ 32.0 (optional) White balance blue gain. float 0.0 ≤ ≤ 32.0 (optional)
white_balance White balance mode. (off specifies the use of manual white balance gains) string auto, off (optional)

settings command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/imager topic in response to the settings command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Cause
Camera settings updated The camera settings have been successfully updated.
Camera settings error The settings command is missing required parameters.
Iso number not valid The provided iso value is not allowed.
Shutter speed not valid The provided shutter_speed value is not allowed.
White balance gain not valid The provided white_balance_gain object is not valid or has an invalid value.
White balance mode {white_balance} not valid The provided white_balance value is not allowed.

update_config command🔗

The update_config command sets/changes the metadata which will be saved with the dataset which to be acquired by the next image command. For example:

  "action": "update_config",
  "config": {
    "sample_project": "fairscope bzh",
    "sample_id": "fairscope_bzh_estacade",
    "sample_uuid": "uuid-1234",
    "sample_ship": "Fairscope",
    "sample_operator": "jeremy",
    "sample_sampling_gear": "net",
    "sample_concentrated_sample_volume": 70,
    "sample_total_volume": 100,
    "sample_dilution_factor": 10,
    "sample_speed_through_water": "5 knots",
    "sample_instrument": "PlanktoScope v2.6",
    "sample_bottom_depth": "N/A",
    "sample_depth_min": 0.1,
    "sample_depth_max": 0.5,
    "sample_temperature": "N/A",
    "sample_salinity": "N/A",
    "sample_date": "2024-05-15",
    "acq_id": "fairscope_bzh_estacade_2",
    "acq_instrument": "PlanktoScope v2.6",
    "acq_magnification": "1.2",
    "acq_camera_id": "deep-point-8125",
    "acq_camera_lens": "N/A",
    "acq_software": "PlanktoScope v2024.0.0-alpha.1",
    "acq_atlas_id": "N/A",
    "acq_resolution": "1080p",
    "acq_stacks_count": "N/A",
    "acq_time_between_frames": 0.3,
    "acq_brightness": "N/A",
    "acq_contrast": "N/A",
    "acq_sharpness": "N/A",
    "acq_saturation": "N/A",
    "acq_gamma": "N/A",
    "acq_uuid": "acq-uuid-5678",
    "acq_volume": 2.50,
    "acq_imaged_volume": 1.04,
    "acq_minimum_mesh": 300,
    "acq_maximum_mesh": 300,
    "acq_min_esd": 300,
    "acq_max_esd": 300,
    "acq_camera_name": "HQ Camera",
    "acq_nb_frame": 500,
    "acq_local_datetime": "2024-05-15T09:00:00Z",
    "acq_caamera_iso": 400,
    "acq_camera_shutter_speed": 500,
    "object_date": "2024-05-15",
    "object_time": "09:00:00Z",
    "object_lat": 48.7273,
    "object_lon": -3.9814,
    "object_depth_min": 0.1,
    "object_depth_max": 0.5,
    "process_pixel": 0.75,
    "process_datetime": "2024-05-15T09:00:00Z",
    "process_id": "Process01",
    "process_uuid": "proc-uuid-7890",
    "process_source": "",
    "process_commit": "CommitHash",
    "sample_gear_net_opening": 300,
    "object_date_end": "2024-05-15",
    "object_time_end": "10:00:00Z",
    "object_lat_end": 48.7274,
    "object_lon_end": -3.9815

The metadata should contain comprehensive information about the sample, acquisition process, object details, and processing parameters to ensure accurate tracking and reproducibility of the dataset. The update_config command has the following parameters:

Sample information:

Field Description Type
sample_project Project name. string
sample_id Sample identifier. integer
sample_uuid Sample UUID. string
sample_ship Ship name. string
sample_operator Operator name. string
sample_sampling_gear Sampling gear description. string
sample_concentrated_sample_volume Concentrated sample volume. float
sample_total_volume Total volume. float
sample_dilution_factor Dilution factor. float
sample_speed_through_water Speed through water. float

Acquisition information:

Field Description Type
acq_id Acquisition identifier. integer
acq_instrument Acquisition instrument. string
acq_magnification Magnification level. string
acq_camera_id Camera identifier. integer
acq_camera_lens Camera lens. string
acq_software Acquisition software. string
acq_volume Acquisition volume. float
acq_imaged_volume Imaged volume. float
acq_minimum_mesh Minimum mesh size. float
acq_maximum_mesh Maximum mesh size. float
acq_min_esd Minimum equivalent spherical diameter. float
acq_max_esd Maximum equivalent spherical diameter. float
acq_camera_name Camera name. string
acq_nb_frame Number of frames captured. integer
acq_local_datetime Local date and time of acquisition. string
acq_camera_resolution Camera resolution. string
acq_camera_iso Camera ISO setting. float
acq_camera_shutter_speed Camera shutter speed. float

Object information:

Field Description Type
object_date Date of the object recording. string
object_time Time of the object recording. string
object_lat Latitude of the sample location. float
object_lon Longitude of the sample location. float
object_depth_min Minimum depth of the sample location. float
object_depth_max Maximum depth of the sample location. float
object_date_end End date of the object recording. string
object_time_end End time of the object recording. string
object_lat_end End latitude of the sample location. float
object_lon_end End longitude of the sample location. float

Processing information:

Field Description Type
process_pixel Pixel processing method. string
process_datetime Date and time of processing. string
process_id Processing identifier. integer
process_uuid Processing UUID. string
process_source Source of processing software or method. string
process_commit Commit hash of the software used. string

update_config command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/imager topic in response to the update_config command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Config updated The metadata has been successfully updated.
Configuration message error The command is missing the required config field.
Busy Image acquisition is already in progress, so dataset metadata cannot be changed.

image command🔗

The image command initiates acquisition of one raw image dataset consisting of a specified number of images, via stop-flow imaging. For example, this command initiates acquisition of 200 images, with 1 mL of sample pumped between each image and an image stabilization period of 0.1 seconds between the end of pumping and the triggering of the image capture for each acquired image:

  "action": "image",
  "pump_direction": "FORWARD",
  "volume": 1,
  "nb_frame": 200,
  "sleep": 0.1

A valid update_config command with a unique (object_date, sample_id, acq_id) combination must be sent some time before each image command. If an update_config command has not been sent before the image command, the image command will trigger a “Started” response status and then do nothing (this is a software bug which needs to be fixed so that an error status is reported instead).

The image command has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Accepted Values
pump_direction Direction of sample pumping. string FORWARD, BACKWARD.
volume Volume (in mL) of sample to pump between each captured image. float 0 < volume
nb_frame Number of frames to capture. integer 0 < nb_frame
sleep Duration (in s) to wait after pumping has stopped before saving an image, to allow the sample objects to stabilize in the image. float 0 < sleep

image command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/imager topic, in response to the image command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Started The image capture process has started successfully.
Error At least one field of the image command is missing or has an invalid value.
Error: missing camera No camera is available to use for image acquisition.
Configuration update error: object_date is missing! The last time the update_config command was sent, it did not have an object_date parameter.
Configuration update error: Chosen id are already in use! The (object_date, sample_id, acq_id) combination for the dataset (set by the last update_config command) is already used by a previous dataset.
Image {index}/{nb_frame} saved to {filename} An image has been successfully captured and saved.
Image {index}/{nb_frame} WAS NOT CAPTURED! STOPPING THE PROCESS! An error occurred during image capture; the ongoing image acquisition has finished with failure, resulting in an incomplete dataset.
Done The image acquisition finished successfully, resulting in a complete dataset.

stop command🔗

This message interrupts any in-progress image acquisition routine and stops any ongoing sample pumping.

  "action": "stop"

The stop command has the following parameters:

Field Description Type Accepted Values
action Specifies the stop command. string stop

stop command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/imager topic, in response to the stop command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error message Description
Interrupted The image capture process was stopped successfully.

Non-response status updates🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/imager topic which are not triggered by any command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Starting up The backend will soon attempt to initialize the camera.
Error: missing camera A camera was not detected.
Ready The camera is now operational, and the backend has become ready to respond to Imager commands.
Dead The backend will no longer respond to Imager commands.


The Segmenter API controls the processing of acquired images:

  • MQTT topics for commands: segmenter/segment
  • MQTT topics for status updates: status/segmenter, status/segmenter/object_id, status/segmenter/metric
  • Commands: segment

For details on how images are processed, refer to our technical reference on image segmentation in the PlanktoScope.

segment command🔗

The segment command initiates processing of images stored in the specified path, optionally exporting the results to an EcoTaxa-compatible archive. The various settings parameters of this command provide control over the behavior of image processing. For example, this command initiates processing of all images in the /path/to/segment directory:

  "action": "segment",
  "path": "/path/to/segment",
  "settings": {
    "force": false,
    "recursive": true,
    "ecotaxa": true,
    "keep": true

The segment command has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type Accepted Values
path Path to the directory of images to process.
Defaults to /home/pi/data/img.
file path (string) any subdirectory of /home/pi/data/img (optional)
settings.force Force re-segmentation of already-processed directories, ignoring the existence of done files which otherwise prevent already-segmented directories from being processed again.
Defaults to false.
boolean true, false (optional)
settings.recursive Process datasets in all subdirectories of path.
Defaults to true.
boolean true, false (optional)
settings.ecotaxa Export an EcoTaxa-compatible archive.
Defaults to true.
boolean true, false (optional)
settings.keep Keep ROI files generated when exporting an EcoTaxa-compatible archive. It has no effect if settings.ecotaxa is false.
Defaults to true.
boolean true, false (optional)

segment command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/segmenter topic, in response to the segment command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error message Description
Started The segmentation process has begun.
Busy The segmenter is currently running and cannot update configurations.
Calculating flat The frame background is being calculated.
Segmenting image %s, image %d/%d Segmentation of a specific image is in progress.
An exception was raised during the segmentation: %s. An error occurred during segmentation.
Done Processing has finished for the specified datasets.

As the Python backend performs segmentation, it will repeatedly send additional status updates on the status/segmenter/object_id topic, once for each object isolated by the segmenter. Each status update is a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Description Type
object_id A scikit-image region label. integer

As the Python backend performs segmentation, it will repeatedly send additional status updates on the status/segmenter/metric topic, once for each object isolated by the segmenter. Each status update is a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Description Type
name An object ID, which is a undersctore-delimited concatenation of the name of the raw image which was processed and the object ID reported by status/segmenter/object_id. string
metadata Metadata for the object. struct

The metadata field of status updates sent on the status/segmenter/metric topic is an object with the following fields:

Field Description Type
label Label of the object. integer
width Width of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. integer
height Height of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. integer
bx X coordinate of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. integer
by Y coordinate of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. integer
circ Circularity: (4 ∗ π ∗ Area) / Perimeter^2. A value of 1 indicates a perfect circle, approaching 0 indicates an elongated polygon. float
area_exc Surface area of the object excluding holes, in square pixels. integer
area Surface area of the object in square pixels. integer
%area Percentage of object’s surface area that is comprised of holes. float
major Primary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object. float
minor Secondary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object. float
y Y position of the center of gravity of the object. float
x X position of the center of gravity of the object. float
convex_area The area of the smallest polygon within which all points in the object fit. integer
perim The length of the outside boundary of the object. float
elongation The result of dividing the major parameter by the minor parameter. float
perimareaexc The result of dividing the perim parameter by the area_exc parameter. float
perimmajor The result of dividing the perim parameter by the major parameter. float
circex (4 ∗ π ∗ area_exc) / perim^2. float
angle Angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the x-axis of the image. float
bounding_box_area Area of the bounding box enclosing the object. integer
eccentricity Eccentricity of the object. float
equivalent_diameter Diameter of a circle with the same area as the object. float
euler_number Euler number of the object. integer
extent Ratio of object area to bounding box area. float
local_centroid_col Column position of the local centroid. float
local_centroid_row Row position of the local centroid. float
solidity Ratio of object area to convex area. float
MeanHue Mean hue value of the object. float
MeanSaturation Mean saturation value of the object. float
MeanValue Mean value (brightness) of the object. float
StdHue Standard deviation of the hue value of the object. float
StdSaturation Standard deviation of the saturation value of the object. float
StdValue Standard deviation of the value (brightness) of the object. float

stop command🔗

The stop command interrupts any ongoing image processing. For example:

  "action": "stop"

The stop command has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Accepted Values Description
action string "stop" Specifies the action to stop segmentation.


The functionality for this command has not yet been implemented. Currently an Interrupted status is sent as a response on the segmenter/segment topic even though no interruption will actual happen.

stop command responses🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the segmenter/segment topic, in response to the stop command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error message Description
Interrupted The segmentation process was interrupted.

Non-response status updates🔗

The Python backend can send status updates on the status/segmenter topic which are not triggered by any command. The status field of such status updates can have any of the following values:

Status/Error Description
Ready The backend has become ready to respond to Segmenter commands.
Dead The backend will no longer respond to Segmenter commands.